Happy Birthday to US!

Last week I celebrated…a birthday.  It hurts to admit it, but I guess with 3.5 kids I’m hardly 23 anymore.  I’m now 30-3!  I still feel like I could jump back into college (except for the 3.5 kids thing) and I have to say I do love my crazy, wonderful life…even if it does mean I’m “IN my THIRTIES!”

Deep Breaths! :)

The day of the party, I picked blueberries with the kids, and Brad had scheduled a massage for me for that afternoon.  I ran home nasty, hot, and sweaty from picking berries, jumped in the shower, dried my hair as fast as I could, kissed my babies and my wonderful hubby goodbye, hopped back in the car, drove like a mad-man to the spa, and busted through the doors of the spa (late, of course).


Oh, it was like another land…a land I rarely enter.  A happy place.  Everything was beautiful and peaceful and quiet, with the sounds of dainty, calm harps playing next to a bank of trickling water.  Their was a delightful aroma of lavender, eucalyptus, and mint.  There were no smells of old milk or macaroni and cheese or Totino’s pizza.  No one was fighting or screaming or whining or calling some obviously crazy lady named “Mama!”

When my time in this happy land was complete, I hoped they wouldn’t notice if I hung out in the women’s lounge a few extra minutes on their soft white couches in the sunlit room, drinking some lovely orange juice concoction.  However, I felt like there was a different kind of happy land that needed their crazy mama back.  I slowly made it to the car and back home…relaxed and rejuvenated.

It was a nice, generous, much appreciated break from reality!  Thank you sweet, wonderful husband!

I was greeted with the warm welcome of 3 wild maniacs running at me with their arms wide open calling, “Mama!” as if I had been gone for days.  Then I realized I was in my happy place.  I belong with these crazy people.  I belong in this messy house, with these 3 loud kids and this maniac dog and this wonderful man.  A SPA break is an extra special treat, but I am truly so thankful for this crazy, wonderful life in which I’ve been so richly blessed!


So after my relaxing massage I wrestled kids for a little while, then it was time for dinner.  I hate washing my hair, and I was determined I was not going to do it twice in 4 hours, so i didn’t.  I’m sad my hair is in my “mom” ponytail for my birthday dinner, but the massage was worth the pony. :)

We had dinner and cake, played putt-putt, then had more dessert.  It was a fun evening with friends!  (We were missing one fun couple.  Brad had a crazy week and realized an hour before the party that he forgot to call some of our dear friends, Michael and Amy!  I’m so sorry, guys!  We love and missed y’all!)

I don’t have many pics, because I was apparently taking pics in Manual Focus instead of Auto and didn’t realize it.  Here are a few…

The birthday girls

The girls (minus Elicia, who had run home to put our cake in the fridge)

But here’s Elicia, in true form.  She found a jet ski machine at Putt-Putt.

Meredith had a hard time.  She ALL-Most got a whole in one.

Then her ball got stuck under an obstacle. :)

Love you, Mere!

Beautiful Dominique and her sweet hubby, Jeff.

I’m sure I’m giving Brad some amazing pointers in this pic!

Thanks to Jeff and Brad for a wonderful night out for our birthdays! Thank you, Dominique for being a precious friend!  Happy 29th (wink, wink) Birthday!

Thank you babe, for the massage and the great game of Putt-Putt!  I love you!


“He who walks with the wise, grows wise” -Proverbs 13:20


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