That’s One Way Clean Out My Laundry Room!

This morning I was rushing around trying to do laundry, pick up the house, make beds, make cookies, and take care of my maniacs.  I had several shirts that needed to soak in OxyClean, so I plugged the sink in my laundry room, turned the water on, and poured OxyClean in the sink.  I was watching the water rise, and it was almost to the perfect level.


At that moment, I heard a jingle, jingle sound running through our house.  The jingle, jingle of a collar.  The collar that belongs to a wild, crazy, four legged maniac named Sam…who was outside in the mud, and whose feet were bound to be nasty!  My suspiciouns were right.  Sam had been let inside.  His feet were filthy.  The kids forgot to wipe them off, and I wanted him OUT!  I was chasing him around the house, flustered and frusterated.  I was running late already (SHOCKING!) and I did not have time for this!


I finally gave up.  His feet were dry, my house couldn’t get any dirtier, and I needed to move on.  It was at that moment that I found AnnaLeigh on my bed, she had emptied a small tube of lotion and was rubbing it all over her legs.  Her legs, however, were clothed in footed/footy pajamas, so she was just rubbing the lotion on her clothes.


I did not handle the situation well, as I was already flustered, frusterated, and late!  I threw the girls in the bathtub, bathed them, clothed them, fixed their hair, brushed thier teeth, made yo-yo’s (a recipe I will post soon), and was just about to get dressed when Lilly Katherine said, “Uh, Mama, There’s WATER!”


I ran around the corner to find W.A.T.E.R!!!  I ran into the laundry room to find the source of the problem.  I assumed it was the washing machine, until I saw water gushing from the counter top, the cabinets, and even the drawers!  I HAD LEFT THE STINKIN’ SINK RUNNING FOR ALMOST AN HOUR!!!!!  How clueless am I?  Water was an inch deep in my laundry room, my laundry room closet (that holds everything), my a/c closet, my half bath, my entry from the garage, a little bit of my kitchen, and it was running into the garage.


I called brad.  No answer.  I called again.  No answer.  I called again.  No answer.  I had 3 children just staring at me.  AnnaLeigh decided that it was a good time to try out her rain boots (“boops” as she calls them), so she started splashing in the water.  She learned real quick that it wasn’t a good time for that.


I called my dad panicking.  My parents both jumped in the car and ran over.  Brad ran home and said it was about 8 times worse than he expected.  It was FLOODED!  My parents, Brad, Preston, and I spent the next 2 1/2 hours moving things out of the water and into the kitchen, den, and garage.  My dad had a professional shop vac, for such a time as this…and it was a life saver!


You can’t tell how deep the water is in the pic, but you can see the reflection of the fluorescent lights.  Believe me, my floors aren’t that shiny.  That reflection is from the inch of water on the floor.

This was not what I had planned for my morning!


I did get a clean laundry room out of the mishap!


But now my garage looks like this!

The other good thing that came out of this experience is that Lilly Katherine basically potty trained AnnaLeigh.  She spent the entire 2 1/2 hours taking A to the bathroom every 20 minutes.  She would tell her to go, wipe her, take care of it, everything!  They would just come report to me every few minutes that she tee-teed on the potty again.  LOVELY!  I’m serious when I say I am not potty training AnnaLeigh.  She can do it herself…or LK can do it. :)  Sweet girls!  They were so good during the whole ordeal.  Preston was such a sweet, hard worker, too.  The maniacs couldn’t have been any better!


The plan for the morning was to spend hours with my dear Baylor friends, Kathryn, Liana, Nancy, and Meredith.  They came and picked up P and LK and eventually I made it over there to spend a little time with them.  These friends are such wonderful blessings!

Photo courtesy of Preston! :)  I look like I had a rough morning!  Ha!


Here are most of our kids.  (Not pictured – Will, Charlie, and Elizabeth)

Thank you, Lord, for sweet friends.  Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful family who will come to the rescue of one clueless mom.  Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful husband who doesn’t freak out when his clueless wife floods the house.  Thank you, Lord, for my precious maniacs!  Thank you, Lord, that I didn’t leave the house with the water running!


  1. Alan says:

    Kate, Kate, Kate…what a day! Let us know if we can help. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a story!!

    I can totally see you running around like a mad woman…have you ever heard the story of us flooding our Village II apt. soph. year? Similar, but the flood came from our 2nd floor bathtub that had been running for hours!!


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