She did it!

Remember this sticker chart from the previous post

Here’s our update as of about 30 minutes ago! :)

I’m very proud to say that after a VERY rough few days last week, my little Pinky has remembered how to use the bathroom in the TOILET!  I think she was just punishing me just a little for leaving her for a week.

But she did it!  She DID it!

And this mama is so proud!


With all this potty training business, I remembered a potty story that most definitely needs to be included in the previous post on why I HATE potty training and how I was a total failure at it!

When Preston (the child that wet his pants for TWO AND A HALF YEARS) was about 3 1/2, he waltzed into the living room, stood in front of me with his little feet planted on my oriental rug, looked me in the face, and in a very arrogant tone (arrogant for a 3 1/2 year old) he said, “Mama, I’m tee-teeing on myself.  I’m tee-teeing all over myself, and you’re gonna have to clean me up!” And that was the day Preston almost lost his life.  (Not really, but I am positive you could visibly see my blood boiling and smoke coming from my ears!)

Happy potty training, friends! :)


On another note… a very different note…I have several recipes to post, and I’m hoping to get to at least one tonight!  Wish me luck!



  1. Jennifer says:

    yeah…you survived yet another potty training experience. you should be a pro by #4. lol…congrats miss annaleigh. love your new cup!! so excited for her:) miss you friend!

  2. Jennifer says:

    by the way, i forgot to tell you that my favorite potty training story was while in the public bathroom with LK…laughed and laughed, not at you, just the situation:) love you!

  3. Meredith says:

    Seriously… she did it for a cup? My son has really tuned up his negotiating skills are he is killing me….

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