So I am pretty sure that I have NEVER been away from my computer or neglected my email or my blog this long. I am still here, but just like all of us, life is crazy!
The week before last, my time was devoted to the CCC Sale.
Last week I was consumed with making baby food (and brownies) with Meredith and Carrie. We made tons of baby food for our little ones, and had so much fun cooking into the wee hours of the morning. I know we’re weird!
And this is just about half of it…
Then, this week I have cleaned up vomit, vomit, and more VOMIT!
My sweet little Georgia has a condition called FPIES (which is one reason I am making her baby food), and Monday night we added oatmeal to the list of foods her little body cannot handle. So far she is intolerant to rice, prunes, carrots and now oatmeal. They make her vomit until her body is completely rid of the food.
Then Tuesday night AnnaLeigh started throwing up and was miserable on Wednesday. She was fine yesterday and then last night Lilly Katherine started throwing up! I am praying my busy husband doesn’t get it and that the rest of us stay free of this nasty bug!
As if I don’t have enough laundry to do with 6 people living her, toss in a stomach bug and FPIES, and I have done nothing but laundry all week. Plus, my hands are cracked and raw from washing them every 10 seconds!
Good times being the mama!
Needless to say, I need a lot of chocolate to make it through the craziness! Well, lucky for me (and lucky for YOU), I have just been given a HORRIBLE recipe that I had to share! My friend Heather posted this recipe on my Facebook page and claimed that they are the best brownies ever. Then two other friends piped up and told me they really WERE the best brownies ever, so I had no choice but to make the stinkin’ brownies!
Lucky for you I did…and then I made them again…and then I made them again…and then I made them again. I think I made 5 batches last week! No lie! They take about 10 seconds to make and they really can’t be beat!
Look at this gooey goodness! iPhone pics are not the best, but that’s what you get here.
I have affectionately named them PMS brownies because there is a certain time every month when my body demands chocolate and no other food will suffice. I will rummage through the cabinets and refrigerator eating everything that looks like it might taste like chocolate. I will eat my children’s year-old leftover Easter and Halloween candy or an entire container of Nutella, and if that doesn’t do the trick, I will resort to raiding my baking supplies for chocolate chips or almond bark. I usually end up baking something to consume immediately…as I hand my children raw carrot sticks and tell them they don’t need to eat sweets.
I know my father will not approve of the name PMS Brownies, but being a man he does NOT understand that this name makes perfect sense. These are ingredients I will always have on hand, and this recipe is so quick, so easy, and so delicious. When my monthly chocolate emergency arises, I can quickly satisfy the craving. (Who am I kidding? Monthly? It’s probably closer to a weekly emergency!) So the name is totally appropriate! :)
Anyway, If you have made my Grammy’s Chocolate Sauce, it is very similar but with the addition of eggs and flour. If you have not made Grammy’s Chocolate Sauce, well then I would say you have TWO recipes to make today!
Recipe for PMS Brownies
What you will need:
Butter, Sugar, Cocoa, Flour, Vanilla, Eggs
Add remaining ingredients.
Grease (or if you’re lazy like me, spray PAM in) a small baking dish, like a 9X9 pan or whatever size you have. This makes a smaller batch of brownies, so do NOT use a 9X13.
Pour brownie batter in the baking dish…while tasting a couple of bites.
Cook on 325° for 23-25 minutes. Heather cooks hers longer, but I think my oven is hot…and I like gooey brownies! :)
YUM! These brownies are fudgy and delicious and will disappear so quickly!
Doesn’t that look like something you need right now? You know, that looks good, but…
Yep. That’s better! :)
Recipe for PMS Brownies:
- 1 Stick of Butter (I think salted butter is the only way to go!)
- 1 Cup of Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Flour
- 1/3 Cup Cocoa
- 1 tsp Vanilla
- 2 Eggs
Melt butter. Add remaining ingredients (You can also add nuts if you like to ruin brownies with things like pecans) and stir. Pour into a greased small baking dish (like an 8X8 or 9X9). Bake at 325° for 23-25 minutes.
Enjoy!!! Make Grammy’s Chocolate Sauce and have brownies, ice cream, and chocolate sauce and it will become your new favorite dessert.
Happy brownie making! I pray you and your home are full of brownies…and free of vomit this weekend!
That may make the brownies less appetizing. Sorry!
My poor baby Georgia. I guess you’re not breast feeding. I think you need to make a batch of brownies for the freezer to keep on hand. Great recipe, I’ll pass it along to my boys who you to cook. You need to add a link for the FPIES condition.
can’t wait to try these!!
Oh. My. Gosh. Those brownies are calling my name!!!! I think I need to make these for our family football watching event this weekend!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I love reading your posts- so encouraging to see that you are a real person and don’t hide it!!! Keep it up!
PS: Good luck with the laundry. My husband and I just got caught up on ours too, so I feel your pain :)