My Little Athlete

(I posted this while Preston was at school, and I showed it to him when he got home.  He has since corrected me on a few mistakes.  My original text is crossed out.  His dialog has been added in italics.)

Preston is playing flag football this fall.  I’m amazed at how well these first and second graders get this game.  I still don’t get it…not that I’m making a huge attempt to “get it.” :)

I love watching my big bug play sports, and I love that he loves it!  Here are a few pics my dad took from Saturday’s game.

Reason #453 why I didn’t play football…not that it was an option…not that I have ANY skill or ability or hand eye coordination or desire…but…reason #453 is THE MOUTHPIECE!  I can’t imagine wearing that thing in my mouth.  I gag a little every time I see it in Preston’s mouth.  He would wear it all the time if I would let him.

I won’t!



He loves being the QB, just like his Uncle Andy was.

He’s also a big fan of running the ball down the field for a touchdown!  He did a great job Saturday!

…and he likes pulling the flags!  You can’t really see the guy with the ball, but P got the flag.

(Mama, that guy has on a white shirt, which means we’re on the same team.  I’m not pulling his flag.  I think I was handing him the ball.)

I have no idea what’s going on in this shot, but I think it’s too cute not to post.

(That is a great picture.  We were celebrating after my touchdown.)

Two of his biggest fans…


A couple of weeks ago Preston played in a baseball tournament.  He was doing really well, but he hurt his arm halfway through the game.  From that point on, he couldn’t play, and we were a little concerned it was broken.  Thank goodness for a good doctor friend and confirmation that it was indeed NOT broken!  Whew!   (Thank you, Todd!) 

After the game was over LK and A went to check on their brother in the dugout.  AnnaLeigh wanted to know all the details and then she wanted to instruct him (with hands on hips) that he would be just fine.  Sassy!  Just plain SASSY!

I wanted to get a pic of Brad with Preston, and that little maniac decided that she needed to be in the picture, too.  When her mind is made up, sometimes it’s easier not to fight her.  She’s pretty cute “taking a knee” like the big boys, plus it helped her hurting big bro to crack a smile.

I see many, many more games in our future! :)



  1. Sish says:

    Amazing family. Bless you God!

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