Hangin’ with the Hagins

I need to apologize in advance.  I can tell right now that my blogging may slow down over the next few months.  I’m so tired I can barely function.  I’m not taking care of my children as I should, much less posting about our musings on the ol’ blog!  I am so thankful I’m not sick, but I just feel a little puny and SOOOO tired!  For all you women who get extremely sick during pregnancy, kudos to you!  I seriously don’t know how you do it!  I am so thankful that I don’t throw up, and can’t imagine what it’s like to be SICK every single day!

For any of you husbands that are reading, praise your wife, cater to her when she’s feeling nasty, and do everything you can to help out.  I must brag on sweet Brad!  He has gone above and beyond and I am thankful to have such a wonderful supportive man!  Tonight I asked if we could pick up dinner (for the second night in a row) becuase I was too tired to drag the 3 maniacs through the grocery store this afternoon.  I asked him to pick up a pizza, then I joked that a big fat steak sounded pretty good.  That wonderful man came home with pizza for himself and the kids and OUTBACK for me!  WOW!  It was delicious, and now my stomach is growling just thinking about it.  On top of that, Brad told me to eat my steak while it was hot, while he bathed the maniacs, too.  Oh yes he did! :)

Thank you, babe!


Yesterday some of our sweet Baylor friends came in town for “business” and we got to hang out for a little while.  Trey and Liz and their precious kids Robert and Kate came to my messy house, then we went to Chuy’s for dinner.  It was great to see how our kids played so well together.  Maybe one day they’ll be college roommates…if our kids get serious scholarships. :)

Chuy’s had a long wait so we decided to endure the 95° heat and eat on the patio.  I’m glad we did, because we would have been kicked out of the restaurant for the way my maniacs were behaving.  You would have thought we were at the zoo!  They were jumping off of furniture, climbing trees, throwing rocks, running, cackling, and screaming.  They WE typically have more control than that.  Not always, but typically.

The little girls…future Chi Omega sisters (just kidding…kind of).  Sweet little Kate is just beautiful!

The big girls…

The wild little boys…future Kappa Sigmas?  I’m not sure what my son is doing.  He thinks it’s funny to do “hook ’em horns.”

The big boys…

All the little maniacs…

AnnaLeigh Rose stopped to smell the roses.

“I got fwowah foh you!”

Sweet Kate hugging AnnaLeigh.  Please notice the maniac in the background trying to figure out how to scale the palm tree.  She’s out of control!

And now about a blast from the past…

Chi-O Pledge dance 2000?  I think we were both dressed up as bugs.

Wow!  We were stylin’ in this one…with my “mom-hair” and Brad’s fancy glasses!  Chi-O Christmas in Salado 1999?

Good times with good friends!

I had about 50 “blast from the past” pics I could have posted, but I’m tired.  These will do for now.  Nighty-night blog world!



  1. Meggan says:

    Love this post!!!! So glad you guys got to get together. And so glad you aren’t sick – take it from me – it stinks!!! Hoping you get that 2nd tri energy!

  2. Gwen Spadie says:

    Kate I am wonderfully encouraged by your blog. Thank you so much for setting up the Biblical definition of a good wife and living that out.
    I found you by accident, but I’m glad I did. Keep up the Faith and good blog posts, they’re much appreciated.
    Gwen Spadie
    Newly Married

  3. Elicia says:

    Don’t discourage the Hook ‘Em Horns…take it from two SMU alumnae, state school tuition is the way to go!

  4. Lorri Loggins says:

    Congrats Kate on the baby…. you do have a wonderful man! He is a pleasure to work with! :)

  5. Liz Hagins says:

    LOVE this! We had such a fun time with the Newberry family. The best part was watching our kiddos play together! BTW, I’m way impressed that you were able to whip out those old XO pics! Hug those cuties for us!

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