Friday Fav #20-Cletus the Fetus

Looking at pics of my sweet maniacs is always one of my most FAV things!

A sleeping baby is another one of my most FAV things.

Better than both of those…is getting to see a pic of my unborn little maniac sleeping all cuddled up against me.  Oh how I love this child already!


We had a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and it went so well.  A few weeks ago, our doctor had a slight concern with something in Cletus the Fetus’ brain.  After our third sonogram yesterday, it seems that it has cleared up and Cletus and his/her little brain are growing well.  All looks good and healthy.  Praise the Lord!

I just can’t wait to hold this EXTREMELY ACTIVE little maniac.  I can already tell this one is going to be busy…and I’m going to be MISERABLE by Christmas if it continues to move this much as it gets bigger.  I’m predicting another little Preston.  Heaven help me!  He was/IS so active.


Thank you, Lord for the miracle of life.  Thank you Lord for all these confirming little wiggles and bumps.  Thank you Lord for a healthy little bug, and I pray that you will continue to grow this little baby into a healthy happy baby that will grow up loving and worshiping you.  Please give this sweet child a heart for you and for others and instill a Godly wisdom and discernment in this child that will guide all his/her decisions.  Please help me to show this precious gift how much I love him/her.

Thank you Lord for this blessing and gift to our family!  We can’t wait to meet our little #4!


  1. JoJo says:

    Kate, so happy the reports were good. This is going to be a very special baby I can tell.
    Praying for you and loving you.

  2. Nikki says:

    I hope its a boy. I really hope its a boy. :) Thank you for being a wonderful Sunday school teacher. Have a great Thanksgiving week, Kate!

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