Today was a wonderful day…for so many reasons!
- I got to go to Target ALL BY MYSELF for an hour! A whole hour. Now, due to this lovely first trimester stuff, I haven’t left the house much and we were out of everything from detergent to bread, so it was an hour spent buying necessities, but it was an hour at target by myself, nonetheless! (I am thankful to my sweet friend, Erin, and my mother-in-law for making that possible!)
- I had a date with my Pinky today at one of my most favorite places, TCBY! (White Chocolate Mouse with Caramel = pure heaven!)
I got lots of hugs from a precious baby girl! (Now I know this is the most unattractive picture of me EVER, but I love those little hands squeezing my face so much that I’m willing to post it so that I can remember those little hugs and squeezes forever!) (Samantha, go ahead and say it! “I can’t see my eyes!”)
- Brad and I finally got to go to our much anticipated doctor’s appointment, and PRAISE THE LORD there was ONE happy little peanut in there!
- “Cletus the Fetus!” is looking good and right on track for January 24! (Head is the round spot to the right, the there’s a little abdomen in the middle, and two little flipper looking things that are leg buds pointing to the left.)
It’s so refreshing, reassuring, miraculous, comforting, exciting…to see that little bitty peanut wiggling around in there. How can anyone see that and not KNOW that there is an amazing God creating that little being….knitting it together in my womb. Simply amazing!!
“From the fullness of HIS grace we have all received one blessing after another” -John 1:16
I just love the sonogram pic :) We just had our 20 week appointment and Ben wanted to know why we couldn’t see the whole baby anymore in one picture. He’s SO big already. They grow so fast!!
I love your blog and reading about your “maniacs”. I am new to blogging, but just had to tell you. Every time I am on your blog and my 3 year old sees the top picture of your blog (the mom juggling) he says “that is a good mom”. LOL! So we’ve never met, talked or anything, but my little man knows you are a good mom. :)
i love your verses at the end, so encouraging, and rich with truth. thanks kate! looks like you guys had a blast on your vacay!! joe and i are aching for a vacation, but we can’t seem to find a resort perfect for little little ones. in our dreams, we’re booking a flight to BALI! :)
“cletus the fetus” made me smile…remembering back to your first cletus. So excited for you guys!!