Ladybug Apples for my Ladybugs

Preston gets out of school tomorrow, and we are all so excited!  I absolutely love summer, the lack of a schedule, free time to swim, go to the zoo, lay around the house, and do whatever the heck we want to do!  I can’t wait!

On a random note, to all of you who didn’t hear my rant on fb yesterday…3 kids with me all the time does have it’s moments.  One moment in particular was at the grocery store yesterday.  I told the kids we were only getting a few things, and somehow I managed to fill my buggy, top and bottom, with things we “needed.”  For the most part, the maniacs were really pretty good, but we had hit our limit by the time I made it to the checkout counter.  The lady was scanning my groceries as my maniacs were swinging on the metal poles and begging for gum and candy.  I’m not sure why they continue to ask for candy at the checkout.  I’ve NEVER bought it and I NEVER will.  Anyway, as she was scanning my items I realized I didn’t have a wallet.  Lovely!  I happened to have some money in my purse for another purpose, and I was thankful I was able to use that on the items I had to have.  I very apologetically paid for some of my groceries, and left the rest for the poor woman to put back.  I felt horrible!  Good times in the land of mom!


The real thing I sat down to post…Sorry, I tend to get sidetracked.

Yesterday the girls asked for a snack.  We made ladybugs.  They’re easy, fun, and good for them!  The sweet little table was Brad’s when he was little, so it’s a little rough looking, but perfect for ladybug snacks.

Ladybug Apples

What you need:

  • Apples, cut in half and cored
  • Peanut butter (about half a tablespoon per zip-lock bag)
  • Raisins
  • Grape or Prune for a head of ladybug
  • Cheerios for eyes (see last pic)
  • Blueberries for legs (see last pic)
  • Zip-lock bags

We only had raisins, peanut butter, apples, and prunes, so we made it work without the blueberries and cheerios.  They loved them just the same.

Put peanut butter in a Zip-lock, cut the corner off so just a little will squeeze out, and twist the bag to make it easier for them to hold and squeeze.  Make dots of Peanut butter on the apple and stick raisins to it.

Then they realized they could eat the PB right out of the bag.  YUM!

“I did it, Mama!  I done!!!”  :)

Here are some pics from a few years ago when P and LK made them.  It’s crazy how fast my babies grow up!  I wish I could stop time!


Have a lovely Wednesday, friends!
