We were supposed to have a birthday party today for a certain little 2-year old and her soon to be 2-year old cousin.  Of course, we had to postpone because she is sickly.


Let me back up…I stayed up until 3 am Thursday night (which is totally normal for me) to make AnnaLeigh’s outfit for her birthday party.  It started snowing at midnight, and while I sewed I watched the snow fall.  I was excited just thinking about telling Preston he had a SNOW DAY!  There were very few snow days here when I was growing up, but they were all VERY exciting!


Well, at 5:14 (after going to bed at 3), my phone rang.  It was a recording to tell me school was canceled.  Really?  5:14?  I managed to fall right back to sleep…until I heard AnnaLeigh crying at 5:30.  It was a sad little cry, and I picked a limp little fever-bug out of the bed.  She was miserable.  She went to bed Thursday night happy and full of life, but she woke up so pitiful.


P and LK woke up bouncing!  They were so excited to see snow, and P was ecstatic that school was canceled!  His exact reaction was “Yes!! No spelling test!”  (So funny!)


Brad took the big kids outside and they played for hours.  I stayed inside and held a sick baby for hours.  I could hear them giggling and screaming through the windows while I held and rocked and loved on my sleeping little angel.  I took a pic on my phone, so it’s a poor picture, but so sweet.

Nana and Granddear walked to our house and they had a snowball fight.  Then…they got the 4-wheeler.  Brad wanted to pull them around the block behind the 4-wheeler.  He got the awesome idea that the best way to do it would be to stick all of them in a BABY POOL and have them hold a rope.  (Please notify Jeff Foxworthy!)  I wish I had seen this…probably better that I didn’t.  For some odd reason, the redneck baby pool idea didn’t work.  Hmmm.


Our sweet neighbors provided my crazy hubby with a sled.  Brad and Granddear drove the kids around the block all morning.  LK rode on the 4-wheeler and they pulled P behind it on a sled.  They all had a blast, and Brad assured me it was “safe.”  His comment when I expressed my mom-wisdom was, “Babe, we never even got out of second gear!”  Whatever in the world that means!  All I know is that Preston had such a great time!  I’m thankful my babies have a daddy and grandfather who are willing to get out there and have fun them!


Brad even managed to get a few pics on his iPhone when Granddear drove P and LK around the block.


Makes me cold just looking at the pics!  I won’t lie, I was happy to have a reason to stay in my warm house! :)


Last night both girls went to bed with fever.  This morning they were all up by 6.  Lilly Katheirne woke up very early because she saw a 4-eyed shark swimming on her ceiling with it’s mouth WIDE open.  She turned the light on to wake Preston up to make sure it was gone.  Then they made sure they were loud enough to wake AnnaLeigh up, too.  The good news is that they all seem to be feeling better.


We’re planning on having AnnaLeigh and Truett’s Hungry Caterpillar birthday party tomorrow.  All I know is that the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate through a lot of very expensive, not-in-season fruit and we WILL have this party.  I cannot let these plums, strawberries, and watermelon go to waste!


Stay warm!


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