Lilly Katherine’s “Firsts” and an Update

I am so behind on blogging!!!  Last week was NUTS!  NUTS, i say!  I was gone every single night, away from my family, and gone much of the weekend, too.  That’s hard on me, but even harder on Brad and the kids.  AnnaLeigh went WAY backwards in potty training, LK had a bad sleep week, and I’m not sure Preston noticed my absence.  I’m kidding, I’m sure he noticed that he was much more on time for everything than he would have been if I had been around. :)

Being away from my family that much in one week is tough, but I got to spend lots and lots of time with “real people!!!”  Real, living, breathing, adult speaking, funny, fun, exciting human beings.  Sometimes I rock along in MOM-world for so long, that my blog and my Facebook account are my communication with people like you.  It’s nice to have face to face conversations.  Now, it’s not that I never leave my house.  I am involved in enough to keep me going, but last week I saw more “real people” than I saw “little people” and it was a fun change of pace.  That being said, I LOVE my crazy, wonderful life and one week of being busy with “real people” was enough for me.  My family needs me and I need them! :)

The funny thing about last week is that I got talk to so many people who read the blog, and it was so fun to know that so many of you are trying the recipes and ideas.  It absolutely cracked me up when several of you asked “How do you do it all?”.

HAH!  Truly laughable!  I DON’T DO IT ALL!!!

My house is a WRECK most of the time, because I would rather blog than clean…and that my friends is the truth!  I also don’t sleep much.  I stay awake until at least 1 am most nights (yes, that’s where LK gets it!) and I only get out of bed when my sweet son is having a panic attack in the mornings because his lunch isn’t packed and it’s time for him to go to school.  Late nights don’t always make for a nice mama the next day.  By 10 am (with the help of a cup of coffee) I’m usually able to be civil. :)

I don’t EVER want any of you to think I have it all together.  I try to make it very obvious in this blog that I DO NOT have it all together.  I am a MESS!!!  I’m a mess on the outside and a mess on the inside.  I am unorganized, scatter-brained, short-tempered, and mean…sometimes.  Our lives aren’t all roses, and I hope I never come across that way.  I want this to be a real account of our lives, our struggles, and our good times.  My kids are wonderful and rotten.  They scream and throw fits, and so do I.  I’m not proud of it, but it’s just the truth.  We don’t sit around and bake all day, but honestly (selfishly) it’s something I enjoy doing with my kids because my girls love it and it keeps them happy.

So, now that that is all on the table, I hope you don’t give up on me.  I’m such a work in progress…just as this ol’ blog is a big fat work in progress.  Thanks for walking this journey with us!  Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement and your comments.  I LOVE to hear from you!!!


On to the post…

Last week Lilly Katherine had her first dance class ever.  I swore I would not be one of those moms who had a 5-year old in dance.  Well, guess what…  Those words are among many words I’ve eaten since becoming a parent.  She flits and floats around the house all day and has begged to take dance.  For her birthday this year, taking dance was her present from us.  She is LOVING it, and I love seeing her love it!

Pics are bad.  They were taken with my phone through a window.

Lilly Katherine has 2 precious dance teachers who love dance, love little girls, and love the Lord!  They all pray together at the end of every class.

Since we’re talking about “firsts,” I guess I should post LK’s “first” day of Pre-K which was a month ago.  I’m a little LATE!  She goes for a few hours Tues/Thurs mornings.  She would go every day if I would let her.  No way, Jose!

LK was so excited that one of her best friends, Sara, is in her class!  Sara is a few months younger…a few inches taller. :)

Now, here’s a comparison of this year and last year…

This year

Last year

This year with LK and cousin Caleb (LK is exactly one year older than Caleb, but they LOVE each other so much!)

Last year LK and Caleb

They’ve grown and changed so much.  There are 2 other maniacs that have grown and changed so much.  I took pics of the babies outside of the school last year and this year.  They don’t go to school, but AnnaLeigh thinks she does.

This year AnnaLeigh and Truett (Caleb’s little brother)

Last year.  Same dress.  Similar shoes.  Last year her hair was CURLY!

This year…AnnaLeigh attacking Truett

Last year…AnnaLeigh attacking Truett.  She’s a little aggressive.

My babies are growing up before my eyes!!!  I can’t handle it!


Ok, one last “first” for LK!  This was all daddy’s idea.  :)


I keep promising recipes.  I’ll do my best to post at least 2 this week.  Happy WEDNESDAY, y’all!



  1. Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, the camera tripod on the last picture! You go Brad!
    But, truly, I love watching the kids grow up! Everything you are doing now, living life, rights and wrongs, you see later in life. Look at my Lauren, she grew up with a beater in her mouth, because I love to bake. Now, she is the entreprenuer of her baking business, “More than Chocolate”. You just never know what kids will do! Love ya!

  2. mere says:

    LK looks more like you than ever before! LOVE the dance pics….glad she is soooo excited about it!

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