Last Week of School (a little late)

I’m a little late posting this, but it’s important to me to document things such as this.  Preston completed first grade about a week and a half ago.  Here are a few pics from the last week of school.

Splash Day Parade

Preston, Christian, and Jalen

Connor, Preston A., Preston enjoying the Splash Day Parade

Preston, Preston A., and Connor linked arms and running

The cutest little spectators with their Aunt Kara

Somehow I didn’t get a single picture of Preston having fun at Splash Day.  I was there, but I guess I forgot to take pics.

Last Day of School

Preston asked me to eat lunch with him on the last day of school.  I was excited to, and went from working out to his classroom, thinking I was having lunch with my baby…no big deal.  I didn’t realize that they were doing a little end of the year party with pizza, cookie cake, ice cream floats, and awards.  There were several parents there, and I was a little embarrassed but glad I was there to celebrate the last day of school with my big bug!

Preston and Ms. Kerley

The awards…

Please allow this mother to brag for just a moment.  I was so proud of my baby that I was a little teary.  There were 5 kids in the class that received a “Citizenship Award” meaning that they never had their star moved all year long.  They had “perfect” behavior (I use the word perfect very loosely).  My baby was one of the five that received the Citizenship Award.  I was so proud of him!

The other 4 kids that received the award were 4 of his best friends.  It makes me so happy that he’s choosing friends that also make good decisions.  I have prayed this for each of my kids since the moment I found out I was pregnant.  I want them to choose friends that will make them better kids.  I want them to choose friends that make good decisions.  Of course I want them to be friends everyone, but I want their closest friends to be good examples…iron sharpens iron.  I am so proud of my big bug!

The funny thing is that this child comes home and acts like a total maniac.  I know he uses up all his “quietness and stillness” at school and he has to get all his wiggles out the second he steps foot in the car.  I would rather him be good at school and wild at home, though.

I did however find out one way he was able to stay so quiet when I opened his pencil box.

That little maniac!  I guess there’s no real harm in sharpening a few pencils, right?

Time is passing so quickly.  Here’s a pic of the first day of school…

And here’s one of the last day of school.  I can’t believe my baby boy is this big!!!

School’s out for summer!  And what a better way to start the summer than with a ton of sugar and food coloring!

Happy Summer!  I think I’m going to keep him in first grade forever.  I’m not allowing second grade in this house!  My babies are NOT allowed to grow up this fast!



  1. Dave Sherman says:

    Growth spurt! In addition to being bigger, Preston’s features certainly went from “baby faced” to “young man” in nine months. We are proud of him!

  2. Jennifer says:

    sweet pics! preston is such a cutie and i have to agree with your dad…such a young man! oh, and i saw carol foley in one of your pics. was her little one in P’s class?

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