Soon and very soon I will be bound to the house with a little bundle of joy, so I wanted to get my people out of the house today to enjoy the sunshine. Brad was working, so my mom and I took the maniacs to the zoo. They loved it and I was hoping to induce labor. No luck yet.
LK took her Hello Kitty camera and she took pics of everything. Again, she is just like her mama! :)
The giraffe’s tongue was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I had to stop watching it because it was making me gag! It was like a big giant snake going in and out of the giraffe’s mouth! Crazy!
The giraffe and the kudu were so cute together. The giraffe kept licking (kissing) the kudu.
My son could not stop thinking about hunting these poor animals. What can I say, my husband enjoys hunting. If that offends any of you, please take comfort in the fact that they never kill anything…or even see anything. :)
For $1 you can purchase a popsicle stick of birdseed to feed the birds.
Lilly Katherine loved it. “Hello little birdie.”
As we were on our way out, we ran into this little maniac!
Great minds think alike, right? Ash and I had both decided today would be a great day for the zoo. We passed them as they were arriving and we were leaving.
We got to spend a few minutes together feeding the fish.
We tried to get a picture.
They were much more interested in taking a “crazy pic” of course!
We capped the day off with our most favorite family tradition…
It’s always a special treat when we get to eat in the den…on a quilt…by the fire…and watch The Cosby Show.
It was the perfect way to end a wonderful day as our little family of FIVE.
Now, bring on the contractions! I think I’m ready to be a family of SIX! :)
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