Well hello friends! I’ve been M.I.A. this week, because ALL of my time and energy have gone to the CCC Sale, but I’m back…with lots of fun clothes and furniture. :)
My Friday Fav is simple. Pure. Delightful.
Let me introduce you to the LÄRABAR.
This is how they describe themselves:
“LÄRABAR is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices. Made from 100% whole food, each flavor contains no more than nine ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended.”
They are made with very few ingredients. Natural ingredients. I feel like I’m eating pure nutrition and not junk when I eat them, but they are really good!
Apple Pie is probably my fav, but I love cherry pie, too.
Apple Pie ingredients: dates, almonds, unsweetened apples, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon. That’s it!
Cinnamon Roll ingredients: dates, walnuts, almonds, raisins, cashews, cinnamon. I know what all those things are, and I can pronounce them. AND, it’s YUMMY!
They have lots of great flavors, and you can see them here. I have always purchased LÄRABARs at Drug Emporium or health food stores. They have recently started carrying a few varieties at Target.
Just remember, they are made of all natural ingredients. No preservatives. Eat within the expiration date, but give them a try!
I’ll be back later with a yummy recipe…I hope! :)
But for now, I’ll leave you with 2 pics (taken with my phone) that pretty much sum up my life.
Brad and I had a date night. We tried to watch a movie. We’ve probably watched fewer than 10 movies in our married life. This is why…
Please notice the DROOL on his lip. (You know I love you dear.)
And this pic…This was taken a few weeks ago, but it just makes me laugh.
Preston is being obnoxious crazy. Lilly Katherine is posing for a picture, wearing her fav “big sister” hat. AnnaLeigh is “nursing” her baby. Sam is licking his bottom. Welcome to paradise. I love every minute of it…most minutes, anyway. :)
Happy Friday!!!
Kate I love reading your blog! You are so talented and you crack me up! Your family is precious! Have a wonderful week!!!