The Balance

This weekend, my brother and his family came in for a short visit.  It was quick, but wonderful.  My girls love Uncle Taylor and Aunt Kelly, but they are especially excited to see BRINLEY!

AnnaLeigh wanted to hold sweet Brinley all weekend.  LK fixed everyone’s hair (she is working on Uncle Taylor’s hair in the pic).  My little peach looks more like her Aunt Kelly than her own mama!


We tried to get a picture of the 3 littles, Laurabeth (15 mo), Brinley (5 mo), and Georgia (15 mo).  It was a screaming success!


Also this weekend…

Lilly Katherine has learned to put her head down and balance on her head, by putting her knees on her elbows.  She has been upside down all weekend long.  She wanted me to try it.  The girls were giggling and laughing and skipping around me as I tried, and they were so happy when I actually was able to do it…for a second.

After 4 children, my core could use a little strengthening…to say the VERY least!

The funny thing is that SEVERAL years ago, these beautiful girls (my nieces) giggled and laughed around me as they taught me how to do this same thing.

That was many years ago, and I have learned that I am older and stiffer.  I thought I was going to break my neck on one attempt.

But I succeeded!

I balanced.

I was so proud!

That was…until they called Brad into the room this afternoon, so they could teach him.  Mr. Athlete seems to be able to do anything he tries.  Must be nice.

He balanced.

Then he popped into a headstand!  Are you kidding me?!?!

Knees on elbows…

Balance and extend legs up…


I must admit, after being together for 18 years, there are very few things that I LEARN about this wonderful man.  I was blown away by this new-found talent!  (I think he was pretty blown away himself.)  He did it over and over, and could balance for a long time…unless AnnaLeigh walked up to “help him!”

The picture is blurry, because I was laughing so hard.  Brad quickly retracted into the fetal position as soon as she approached…for obvious reasons!


Now let me keep it real for everyone.  We are not always doing cartwheels and headstands and giggling and having fun.  We are a real, ugly, sinful group of people.  I have 4 children!  At any given moment, I usually have one child that is happy, one child that is sleepy, one child that is hungry, and one child that is losing their ever loving mind about something insignificant.  Sometimes I have 4 happy children, and there are days where I have 4 crying, melting down, maniacs!

Today, we happened to have 3 happy babies…and one that was taking some aggression out on a few baseballs…instead of his sisters, for a change.

Despite the meltdowns and severe attitude problems that my children (and their mother) seem to have some days, I know I am the most blessed woman in the world!  I am so thankful for a way to freeze time…if only in photos.  This blog is my sanity break, and I love that I will see these moments with my maniacs for forever.

Have a wonderful week, loving on the wild maniacs in your life!



Our mouths were filled with laughter,
    our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.

-Psalm 126:2-3


  1. Sam says:

    That is a good day…and i love the verse.

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